
  • Machine Learning 4 Continuous Defect Prediction

    Defect prediction is a set of techniques used to identify a likely buggy software change (eg. a commit). Various measurements from previous changes are taken into consideration to predict weather a new change is likely to contain a bug or not. Commit messages or bug tracking system entries are usually examined to gather the measurements. Machine learning is often used to classify the buggy/clean changes. We are working now on adding a continuous notion to defect prediction. On one side by building on top the idea of continuous defect prediction in the IDE (Integrated Development Environment). On the other side by perfecting the prediction by using the unambiguous results of…

  • XVIII KKIO Software Engineering Conference

    I will be speaking at the XVIII KKIO Software Engineering Conference in Wrocław, Poland. The conference will take place between 15th and 17th September, 2016. It is a conference “covering all topics of software engineering research and practice”. This years motto is: “Better software = more efficient enterprise: challenges and solutions”. I will be speaking about “Agile Experimentation” (more to it soon). I will also cover the Visual Studio extension we developed at CODEFUSION called NActivitySensor. Let’s meet in Wrocław!