
  • Machine Learning 4 Continuous Defect Prediction

    Defect prediction is a set of techniques used to identify a likely buggy software change (eg. a commit). Various measurements from previous changes are taken into consideration to predict weather a new change is likely to contain a bug or not. Commit messages or bug tracking system entries are usually examined to gather the measurements. Machine learning is often used to classify the buggy/clean changes. We are working now on adding a continuous notion to defect prediction. On one side by building on top the idea of continuous defect prediction in the IDE (Integrated Development Environment). On the other side by perfecting the prediction by using the unambiguous results of…

  • .NET hardware programming basics

    I’m a “bits sculptor”! I work with bits to create beautiful software. I have done it myself for years and now I’m running a software development company to create “better software”. But I was always jealous of people creating more tangible items than software. Not that I ever thought about software as a lesser creation then physical objects. Oh, no! Creating good software takes the same amount of effort and talent as creating for example a good car. But still. But you cannot “touch” the software you are creating. So I decided to go a bit into hardware. And what is the better way for .NET software developer than to…

  • Eventful week

    Last week was quite eventful. I’ve talked about Continuous Integration in .NET and about how do we use it at my company CODEFUSION at the IT Academic Day 2013 at the Opole University of Technology (OUTech). It was an event organized by the .NET Group from the OUTech and Microsoft Poland. The auditorium nearly full! Of course I’ve showed my funny CI gadget "Great Integrator Helmet". It connects wirelessly to the CI server and transfers a feedback about failing build by blinking and hauling. As usual it was very well noticed by the auditorium And since we are at the topic of tinkering with electronics: I’ve described how to build…

  • Continuous Test-Driven Development

    I have recently participated in the “ENASE – Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering” conference. This year (2013) it was held in Angers, France. I have learned a lot during this conference! I have presented a short-paper I’m coauthoring called “Continuous Test-Driven Development — A Novel Agile Software Development Practice and Supporting Tool”. Presentation wen well – here are the slides. What is the paper about? Lets read the abstract: “Continuous testing is a technique in modern software development in which the source code is constantly unit tested in the background and there is no need for the developer to perform the tests manually. We propose an extension to…