Hardware programming in .NET at DWX 2014
Once again I was invited to give a talk at the DWX – Developer Week in Nuremberg, Germany. Last year I was speaking about “Continuous Integration in .NET”. This year it is a time to give “Hardware programming in .NET” a try. I will show how to create software for Netduino, Tinkerforge and Raspberry Pi using .NET Micro Framework, .NET Framework and Mono. Oh, and I’m planning to build the circuits the talk! It should be a lot of fun. And here a small example of RGB LED attached to Raspberry Pi and programmed in Mono. CODEFUSION’s Illuminated RaspberryPi To get mono to your Raspberry Pi issue following…
.NET hardware programming basics
I’m a “bits sculptor”! I work with bits to create beautiful software. I have done it myself for years and now I’m running a software development company to create “better software”. But I was always jealous of people creating more tangible items than software. Not that I ever thought about software as a lesser creation then physical objects. Oh, no! Creating good software takes the same amount of effort and talent as creating for example a good car. But still. But you cannot “touch” the software you are creating. So I decided to go a bit into hardware. And what is the better way for .NET software developer than to…
Eventful week
Last week was quite eventful. I’ve talked about Continuous Integration in .NET and about how do we use it at my company CODEFUSION at the IT Academic Day 2013 at the Opole University of Technology (OUTech). It was an event organized by the .NET Group from the OUTech and Microsoft Poland. The auditorium nearly full! Of course I’ve showed my funny CI gadget "Great Integrator Helmet". It connects wirelessly to the CI server and transfers a feedback about failing build by blinking and hauling. As usual it was very well noticed by the auditorium And since we are at the topic of tinkering with electronics: I’ve described how to build…
Hardware programmieren in .NET – Netduino, Tinkerforge, Raspberry Pi
On 17 December 2013 I will be speaking at .NET Developers Group München. Of course in Munich, Germany. And of course in German. The topic is hardware programming with .NET. I will take Netduino, Tinkerforge and Raspberry Pi some LEDs, resistors, RFID sensors and tags (or even more) and show on live examples how funny it is develop software for real things. Juggling atoms is as much fun as juggling bits. I know that!
Developer Week – .NET Developers Conference 2013
I was invited speaker at this years Developer Week – .NET Developer Conference in Nuremberg, Germany. It was quite nice event and I was speaking about “Continuous Integration in .NET”. You can find Post-Event Report in this document (German only!). If you look carefully you will surely find my picture there!
Dveloper Week / Dotnet Developer Conference 2013
Herzlichen Dank an alle die Teil in mein Vortrag wahrend Developer Week / Dotnet Developer Conference 2013 in Nürnberg genommen haben! Das war eine Hervorragende Stunde! Ich hoffe Ihr etwas über „Continuous Integration in .NET“ gelernt habt. Herrlichen Dank an Organisatoren für die Einladung. Danke an Kollegen Referenten. Danke an alle 1500 (?!) DWX 2013 Teilnehmer! Und als Bonus – CiInDotNet_Dwx
I will be speaking at .NET Developer Conference in Nuremberg, Germany
I’m happy to announce that I will be speaking about Continuous Integration in .NET at .NET Developer Conference (DCC) in Nuremberg, Germany. The .NET Developer Conference is a part of Developer Week (DWX) that combines 3 events WDC (Web Developer Conference), MDC (Mobile Developer Conference) and DDC. It takes place from 24th to 27th June 2013. My session is on Monday the 24th. More information on the DWX 2013, the program and speakers are available at You are very welcome! PS. I have a discount code for all my blog readers – if you want one please drop me a line!
Comparing CLI assemblies using NDepend
LatelyI had following task to deal with. Had two assemblies, an older and a newer version of the same dll. But no source code for any of them. I had to assess the differences between this two assemblies. “How to do it efficiently?” I asked myself. The easiest way as it seemed was to open both in Just Decompile (or any other reverse engineering tool for .NET) and go through them. But, while I was writing my “Continuous Integration in .NET” book, I was lucky enough to get a free license of the NDepend tool from Patrick Smacchia. NDepend is mainly code analysis tool for .NET. It is able to…
I will be speaking at MTS 2012
MTS or Microsoft Technology Summit is the biggest technical conference Microsoft in Poland. It is the place where few thounsend developers, IT specialists and business people meet to get the latest informations from Microsoft and to talk about things that are relevant. This year was invited to MTS to give a talk about continuous integration. Let’s meet at MTS 2012!
I’m getting started with Netduino
I’m recently extending my .NET toolbox with .NET Micro Framework skills. I got myself a Netduino board and I’m currently tinkering. Here is the my HELLO WORLD program: 1: OutputPort led = new OutputPort(Pins.ONBOARD_LED, false); 2: 3: while (true) 4: { 5: foreach (char t in "HELLO WORLD") 6: { 7: for (int i = 8: ",ETIANMSURWDKGOHVF,L,PJBXCYZQ,,54 ,3,,,2,,,,,,,16,,,,,,,7,,,8,90".IndexOf(t); 9: i > 0; i /= 2) 10: { 11: led.Write(true); 12: if ("-."[i-- % 2] == '.') 13: Thread.Sleep(100); 14: else 15: Thread.Sleep(300); 16: led.Write(false); 17: Thread.Sleep(100); 18: } 19: Thread.Sleep(300); 20: if (t.Equals(' ')) Thread.Sleep(400); 21: } 22: 23: Thread.Sleep(1400); 24: } Yeap I’m blinking the hello to the…