Welcome to IProgrammable.com
Welcome to my blog. Few years ago when the big blog balloon blow up I surely wasn’t expecting me to blog. But the times are changing. Everybody has a blog so I’ll have mine too 😉
I wont write here about my cat or daughter (have neither). I’ll write about what I do. I’m software developer. I write mostly in .NET (C#) but I have background in Java (J2EE) and PHP. My main point of interest is web development.
So think about that. The new ASP.NET web project in version 2.0 is not compiled to one assembly. You have a bunch of small assemblies (when you publish without the possibility to update the precompiled site). Let’s say you need a version number for your project (a set of Web Services). How can you do that? Create AssemblyInfo.cs class like that:
public class AssemblyInfo
public static string GetVersion()
Assembly a = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
return a.GetName().Version.ToString();
Simple, isn’t it? Welcome to my .NET blog!
Originaly published at Monday, July 31, 2006.
PS. This post was originally created at July, 31th 2006. I’ve decided to move back to my old hosting and to change the blogging engine to WordPress and now I’ll by recreating some of my old posts. Enjoy!
After I decided to move back to my old hosting I’ll recreate some of my old posts. This is the first one.